October 22, 2024
Facebook account

Facebook account

Here are a few ways to help promote a Facebook account or group. They will help increase engagement and reach under posts.

How to promote a Facebook account and connect ads

More than half of the world’s Internet users use Facebook. The Russian-speaking audience of this network is about 6 million users: this is not so much compared to VK and Instagram, but it is essential for certain segments, including e-commerce.

What are the advantages of Facebook

Facebook prohibits registration of people under the age of 13: the Russian-speaking audience of this network is mainly people of working age, therefore ready to buy goods and services online. In addition, the Russian-speaking segment of Facebook is considered a social network for educated users with medium and high incomes, consumers of serious content and participants in discussions about politics, business, and culture. Although part of the audience also comes to the site to have fun. The https://lowcostsmm.com/ get free followers and likes Facebook.

According to marketers’ research, sellers of medical products and medicines, cars, games, and educational services feel most comfortable on Facebook. Books, branded and niche clothing, jewelry, perfumes, health and beauty products are also somewhat popular. The competition here, again, is lower than in Instagram and VK.

How to bring the first subscribers to the Facebook group

Having created a Facebook page for your online store (it can be a group or a public), the first thing you need to do is to upload an avatar and a cover. The avatar can have the logo of your store or brand, the cover can either duplicate it in a larger resolution, publish a colorful picture or a screenshot of the website page. Cheap promotion social media on the https://doctorsmm.com/

Link the page to the personal page of the store owner or employee. Invite your friends to subscribe to it, whether they are relatives, acquaintances or colleagues. They will bring someone else in on the principle of word of mouth. Set up a messaging button for prompt communication with your subscribers.

How to promote your Facebook page without cost

There are free ways to promote groups and publishers on Facebook. Put links to your community in other groups you moderate, on your personal page, give a link on your official website and in communities on other social networks. Don’t forget to insert links to the group in e-mail newsletters.

Update your content regularly. Tell about your products, make thematic selections, publish expert advice. You can also post entertaining articles, photos and videos. The optimal frequency of publications is once every 1-2 days. Don’t hesitate to ask your readers for reposts.

You can create an infopost related to some public person and tag this person in the group post so that it would be visible to his/her subscribers. This can be a nationally known person, an authority in your professional field, or a popular blogger. And if such people are among your friends or group subscribers, then it’s perfect in general.

How to run paid advertising on Facebook

If you are ready to spend money on paid advertising on Facebook, there is a special Ads Manager service on the site. In it, you can create advertising campaigns on the same principle as in Google Analytics or Yandex.Direct. We have already told you about setting up ads in Ads Manager using Instagram as an example.

The principle of creating a campaign for Facebook is very similar: define the goal, cost limit and ad categories, and adjust bids.

Next, you need to decide on the budget and audience. Choose Facebook platforms as placements. The graphs in the upper right corner will help you define your target audience.

And, finally, we make the ads themselves with text, picture and set tracking parameters to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising. After the preview, the ads can be published.

A presence on Facebook can be a good image component that has a positive impact on your reputation. If you have decided to create an online store and look modern and advanced, do not neglect this channel of promotion.

Promotion on Facebook – instructions on how to promote your business

According to official data, Facebook has 1.4 billion daily and 2.13 billion monthly active users, which makes this social network the most popular in the world. And although in Russia it has only the 4th place (according to VTsIOM) in the ranking by the number of users, it wins in many ways by the “quality” of the audience. The fact is that Facebook allows registration only from the age of 13, and there is simply no such content as free music and movies, which is chased by an unpromising audience for business. Thus, the site is dominated by solvent audience, which makes the promotion of the Facebook group a promising direction for any business.

To the obvious advantages of promoting a company on Facebook include the following factors:

  • Here, for the most part, there is an audience that is ready to make conversion actions.
  • Still low competition in the Russian-language segment.
  • A huge choice of tools for promotion.
  • The opportunity to attract not only clients, but also to make useful connections for the business.

What kind of business is suitable for promotion in Facebook

Facebook is considered the most universal social network, as it covers a very wide and, as mentioned above, solvent audience. Statistics show that the site is most actively used by people from 25 to 34 years old.

Representatives of the social network itself on Facebook Business give examples of successful promotion of automotive, pharmaceutical and gaming business, companies from the financial, sports, educational spheres, telecommunications and restaurant brands. Also here you can effectively advertise medical services without providing certificates, unlike “VK”.

Methods of promotion in Facebook

“Facebook” allows you to register a personal profile, create business pages, groups and events. Use for promotion, in principle, you can use any option – it all depends on the object of promotion and the goals pursued.

  • A personal account can represent only a real person and is intended primarily for communication with friends. Using your own profile for business purposes and SMM-promotion is prohibited by the rules of Facebook. Of course, you can promote and promote your projects on the page, but you need to do it very carefully, without falling into disfavor with your virtual friends for spam. This option is more suitable for improving the image of a particular person, but not the organization.
  • Page – the main tool for SMM. Facebook offers a huge number of effective tools for solving business tasks: attracting CA, improving reputation and brand awareness, sales, customer support, etc. And the functionality is constantly expanding. Thus, the page is the most recommended format for promotion on Facebook. This is its main purpose.
  • A Facebook group is an association of people by interests. In fact, they are not intended for business promotion and SMM, they can not be advertised within the site, posts are visible only to registered users who joined the group (unlike a page, the information from which is available to all). The group can serve as an auxiliary platform to the business page for communicating with clients.
  • Events are a simplified version of a Facebook page to promote something, but on a project basis rather than permanent. They are concerts, movies, trainings, presentations, exhibitions, i.e. any event that has a time frame.

12 steps to successful promotion on Facebook

There is no universal SMM recipe here, every business, every company, every proposal should be considered individually. However, we can give some recommendations for promoting a business page or group on Facebook that will lead you to success.

  • Create an original cover and avatar. They will become not only the face of the brand, but also a good platform for advertising. The cover allows you to promote products and services, invite to groups, webinars and other events.
  • Come up with a beautiful address, so that in the future there will be no problems with the promotion of the page on Facebook.
  • Choose a template that best fits the area of activity (services, company, site, non-profit organization, restaurants and cafes, shopping, politicians or standard). Change the tabbed navigation to your liking.
  • Install a button with a call to action.
  • Fill in all the fields. The more complete the information is, the more credible it will be to users.
  • Link your Instagram profile to your business page. This will allow you to run advertising campaigns using Facebook Ads Manager, as well as collect accurate statistics on them.
  • Link your group and page. This will increase the reach and engagement of both platforms.
  • Set up quick replies so users don’t wait and stay loyal to the company.
  • Publish only quality content. Announce new materials from your blog and group, post interesting infographics, engaging videos, and have interesting discussions.
  • Do it regularly. According to statistics, pages and groups that post content 1-2 times a day get 40% more engaged audience.
  • Add products if you are promoting an online store.
  • Keep track of statistics: study your target audience, the dynamics of group growth, what content has caused maximum interest, at what time users are most active.