July 3, 2024


In the dynamic realm of web development, Ruby on Rails (RoR) continues to stand out as a robust framework that empowers businesses to create powerful and scalable web applications. As we enter 2024, the advantages of adopting Ruby on Rails are more apparent than ever.  According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 64% of developers find Ruby on Rails to be one of the most loved frameworks, citing its developer-friendly nature and speed of development. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits businesses can avail themselves of by choosing Ruby on Rails development, supported by relevant statistics and real-world examples.

#1 Rapid Development and Time-to-Market Efficiency

One of the hallmark features of Ruby on Rails is its emphasis on convention over configuration, which translates into a significant boost in development speed. RoR’s elegant and clean syntax allows developers to write less code while accomplishing more, leading to faster development cycles. This is crucial in today’s competitive landscape, where quickly getting a product to market can make all the difference.

Airbnb, the global online marketplace for lodging and travel experiences, initially built its platform using Ruby on Rails. The framework’s efficiency allowed Airbnb to iterate rapidly, adapt to market needs, and become the hospitality giant it is today.

#2 Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability

Ruby on Rails enables businesses to achieve cost-effectiveness throughout the development lifecycle. Its open-source nature eliminates licensing fees, and the availability of a vast array of gems (RoR libraries) accelerates development, reducing man-hours. Additionally, RoR’s scalability ensures that the framework can seamlessly handle increased workloads as your business grows without a proportional cost increase. A study by GitHub revealed that as of 2023, over 11 million repositories on the platform are written in Ruby, showcasing Ruby on Rails’s enduring popularity and scalability.

Even GitHub itself, the world’s leading platform for version control and collaborative software development, was initially built using Ruby on Rails. The framework’s scalability allowed GitHub to handle the massive influx of users, making it a cornerstone for developers worldwide.

#3 Developer Productivity and Maintainability

Ruby on Rails follows the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle, promoting modular code through conventions. This leads to increased developer productivity as they spend less time writing boilerplate code and can instead focus on solving complex business problems. The emphasis on readability and convention makes RoR applications more maintainable, allowing for easier onboarding of new developers and reducing the long-term costs of maintaining a codebase.

For example, Shopify, the e-commerce giant, leverages Ruby on Rails for its online retail platform. The framework’s emphasis on developer productivity has allowed Shopify to continuously enhance its platform continuously, accommodating the evolving needs of online merchants.

#4 Community Support and a Rich Ecosystem

Ruby on Rails benefits from a vibrant and engaged community of developers. This community actively contributes to the framework’s evolution, ensuring it remains up-to-date with industry standards and best practices. The extensive ecosystem of gems and plugins further enhances RoR’s capabilities, allowing developers to integrate powerful features into their applications without reinventing the wheel.

The social media giant Twitter initially developed its prototype using Ruby on Rails. While Twitter has since migrated to other technologies, the initial use of RoR highlights the framework’s capability to support the development of complex applications.

#5 Security and Robustness

Security is a top priority for businesses, and Ruby on Rails provides a range of built-in security features to safeguard applications. According to a report by WhiteSource, Ruby on Rails has a relatively low security risk index compared to other frameworks, indicating its commitment to maintaining a secure development environment. The framework encourages secure coding practices, such as parameterized queries and protection against common web vulnerabilities. Additionally, the community actively addresses security concerns, providing timely updates and patches to ensure the robustness of RoR applications.

For example, Basecamp, the project management and team collaboration tool, relies on Ruby on Rails. The framework’s commitment to security aligns with Basecamp’s emphasis on protecting sensitive project data.

#6 Cross-Functional Collaboration and Agile Development

The State of Agile Report reveals that 95% of surveyed organizations practice Agile development, emphasizing the widespread adoption of Agile methodologies in today’s business landscape. Ruby on Rails aligns seamlessly with Agile development practices, fostering collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams. The convention over configuration approach ensures that teams share a common understanding of the project structure, facilitating smoother collaboration. This adaptability is particularly valuable in dynamic business environments where the ability to pivot quickly can be a strategic advantage.

#7 Mobile App Development with RubyMotion

While Ruby on Rails is renowned for web development, its influence extends to mobile app development through the RubyMotion framework. RubyMotion allows developers to leverage their RoR expertise to build native iOS and Android applications. This streamlines the development process, as businesses can use a single codebase and team to create both web and mobile applications. The Stack Overflow Developer Survey indicates that 15% of developers use RubyMotion for mobile app development, underscoring its relevance in the evolving landscape of cross-platform development.

Couchsurfing, the hospitality exchange platform, used RubyMotion to develop its mobile application. This approach enabled Couchsurfing to maintain consistency across its web and mobile platforms.

#8 API-First Development with Grape

As businesses increasingly adopt API-centric architectures, Ruby on Rails provides the Grape gem, a lightweight and flexible framework for building RESTful APIs. GitHub reports over 4,000 contributors to the Grape codebase, highlighting the popularity of Grape as a choice for API development in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem. Grape seamlessly integrates with RoR, allowing developers to adopt an API-first approach. This is particularly advantageous as businesses expand their digital footprint and integrate with third-party services.

Airbnb, in addition to its web platform, utilizes Grape for building and maintaining its API. This has empowered Airbnb to extend its services through various third-party integrations.

#9 Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) with Jenkins and Capistrano

The State of DevOps Report reveals that high-performing organizations deploy code 46 times more frequently than low-performers. Ruby on Rails facilitates streamlined CI/CD pipelines, ensuring the efficient testing, integration, and deployment of applications. Tools like Jenkins and Capistrano integrate seamlessly with RoR, allowing businesses to automate key development processes. This results in shorter release cycles, reduced manual errors, and enhanced overall software quality.

Hulu, the streaming service, incorporates Jenkins and Capistrano into its CI/CD workflow for its RoR applications. This has enabled Hulu to deliver frequent updates and improvements to its platform.


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, businesses are increasingly looking to hire overseas developers to leverage diverse skill sets and accelerate their development processes. Ruby on Rails (RoR) emerges as a powerful ally in this pursuit, offering technical excellence and the ability to integrate global development teams seamlessly. 

In conclusion, Ruby on Rails’s continued relevance and popularity highlight its enduring strengths and its ability to empower businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Choosing Ruby on Rails isn’t just about adopting a framework; it’s about embracing a dynamic ecosystem that fosters innovation, collaboration, and the efficient delivery of exceptional web applications. At the forefront of this technological landscape is Kode Klouds, an award-winning web development agency renowned for its rich technology expertise and successful projects worldwide across 3 continents and on budget. Kode klouds has consistently demonstrated its commitment to excellence, making it a trusted partner for businesses seeking to unlock the full potential of Ruby on Rails.

Whether you’re a startup looking to establish a robust online presence quickly or an enterprise aiming to streamline your development processes, choosing Ruby on Rails isn’t just about adopting a framework; it’s about embracing a dynamic ecosystem that fosters innovation, collaboration, and the efficient delivery of exceptional web applications. Kode Klouds, with its global recognition, exemplifies the success that can be achieved through Ruby on Rails development.